Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Conditions and treatments

My approach to the knee

The most appropriate treatment for any knee condition or injury begins with a thorough initial assessment and subsequent investigation when necessary. I place great emphasis on fully understanding the underlying problem before formulating a management plan.

I work with a number of highly qualified radiologists who ensure any x-rays or scans are correctly interpreted.

As a surgeon I am equally as interested in the initial diagnostic challenge of a new problem as in the subsequent treatment. I am also well aware that surgery is often not the most appropriate treatment and I enjoy close working relations with many excellent physiotherapists and allied professionals within the region.

Should surgery be necessary I am careful to select the least invasive and most reliable technique to help ensure a swift and successful recovery.

A large proportion of my research has focussed on the assessment and imaging of the knee and operative techniques reflecting the importance I place on these aspects of my work.

Within this section are a number of short answers relating to some of the more common knee problems and injuries.


Contact us on
0117 980 4037 or
0117 980 4046